Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow day and snowmen

Christopher checking things out from the warmth of the house.

Ryann and her snowman

Brie turns three

My baby turned three on December 16. I was sad that I would never have a two year old again. But Brie told me that she was still my baby princess.

Student produced Opera

Ryann was in a student produced opera at school. She did a great job and it was really fun to watch the kids get to perform their plays that they worked so hard on.

Monday, January 17, 2011

John's work party at Lovelace

On our way home from AZ.
The sky looked really pretty from a far but up close it was a snow storm in the mountains that we had to drive through.

The beautiful lights of HOME!


We went to IKEA. I love that place and I love this kitchen.Brie loved the Shark.

The kids really wanted to have lunch and Chipotle because we don't have them in NM.

We loved being able to visit with Josh and Amy.