Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Playground

In March the kids got a new play ground. (New to us anyway) Ryann's friend was selling her play set and we just happened to be ready to buy one. The babies still had birthday and Christmas money and they really wanted a swing set. They are so happy with the new addition to the back yard.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Climbing the Walls

For a while Christopher's favorite movie was Shark boy and Lava girl. He would run around the house saying I'm shark boy. Then he saw the movie Catch that Kid. In the movie they repel and do a lot of climbing. So we moved on from being a shark to climbing the walls. He puts his monkey harness on and helmet ( that came after he hit his head on the wall) and tries to climb the walls.I think we had better be carefully what the boy watches on TV. Maybe there is a movie out there about how to clean up after yourself.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Playing in AZ

We spent some time at a Ghost Town,

the Casa Grande Ruins,Over looking the city, on South Mountain, on New Years Eve and we had fun at the Phoenix

swimming in AZ In January

The kids loved swimming when we were in Arizona for Christmas. They thought that it was great fun to go swimming when most people were sledding.